Providing Commission on Sales to Salespersons for Efficient Performance

Providing commission on sales to salesperson for efficient performance

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salesperson commisssion

Sales commission has been a topic of discourse for many years. There are traditionalists who think that sales should not be paid out of commission and, instead, place them on a salary like other employees.  

Companies think that by rewarding salespeople, they will have the incentive to succeed and not take advantage of their customers. It is simply not enough to pay people salaries and bonuses only because they do a job well. Salespeople need to be paid for the work that they produce. 

In generating leads, generating proposals, and closing deals for clients, we need to reward the sales team for this hard work.

What is a Sales Commission Structure?

sales commission

Sales commission structure refers to the system that answers how much money a salesperson earns in a period based on his performance. A commission is earned by meeting a certain number of sales targets or reaching a specific objective set by the management. 

The more sales targets an individual meets in a period, the greater their commission will be. The time that individual works can also determine how much they are paid at the end of the year.

In the past, a sales employee was paid in two types of commission structures. They could be base-salaried employees or commissioned employees. Base-salaried salespeople would be given a salary and commissions on every sale they make, while commissioned employees would only be paid a certain amount per sale they made while the rest of their salary is based on their performance. 

The number of commission structures that exist today can vary. Some companies might use a standard base-salaried structure, while others might pay salespeople progressively according to how much revenue they brought in each month, like commission on account value.

Types of Sales Commissions

By understanding the sales commission structure, you can get a better idea about what type of job you are applying for and how much your salary will be. Below are some different sales commission structures.

  • Performance-based: This system is based on performance, and payouts vary based on each individual’s performance.
  • Quantity-based: This system consists of paying people only when they meet a specific number of sales or dollars generated.
  • Revenue-based: This model depends on how much money was earned by the company, not how many products were sold or how many people worked at it.

Other sales commission types include gross margin commission, straight commission, calculating commission, and real estate commission.

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Advantages of Giving Commissions to Salespersons

In this current business climate, where competition is fierce and margins are getting thin, it’s important to incentivise your employees. 

One way to incentivise your employees is by giving them commissions on their sales whenever they sell an item. This will create a sense of urgency amongst your team members who would want to sell more in order to earn more rewards while also increasing profit margins.

The benefits of giving commission to salespersons are:

  • It can increase the overall profits of the organisation.
  • It motivates salespeople to work harder.
  • It strengthens employee relationships with the company.
  • It creates a more involved and efficient workforce.


In conclusion, a commission is an important part of sales compensation, and paid commissions can lead to more efficient performance. This commission should be based on factors that will lead not only to better financial performance but to success in the long term,

  • Giving commissions to salespersons can be an effective way to ensure efficient performance.
  • By implementing a commission plan on sales policy, businesses can ensure that their sales personnel are rewarded for their efforts and are motivated to succeed.

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How to Calculate Commissions on Sales?

The calculation of commission depends on several factors, including the number of sales made and the employee’s role in making those sales. Here are the simple steps you need to take in order to calculate commission on sales:

1st Step: Determine the commission rate or sales percentage. This will be the percentage of the sale price that the salesperson will receive.

2nd Step: You need to figure out the basis of the commission. This refers to how many units were sold or did you reach a quota.

3rd Step: Multiply the commission rate by the base pay.

What is the importance of having an effective commission structure?

The importance of having an effective commission structure is to ensure that there is an adequate incentive for the individual to do their best and make sure that there are no issues with motivation.

A good commission structure has a set of rules, incentives and metrics which make it easy for salespeople and marketers to plan their sales efforts efficiently.

What is a compensation plan?

Compensation plans usually refer to the monetary benefits that an employer offers its employees. It is a systematic approach to determining the salary/commission, bonus and other benefits for employees within an organisation. It is usually used as a tool to manage and control employee pay by defining the set of rules and guidelines for how monetary rewards are distributed among them.

The compensation plan sets out how an employee gets rewarded for meeting the goals set for them by the employer, with bonuses and other benefits. Those who don’t meet the standards are penalised in some way, whether it be taking a salary cut or not getting bonuses.