Sales Coaching Training

sales coaching training

Sales teams are, more than ever, constantly grappling with time management, failed sales objectives, and missed opportunities. Sales coaching programs and initiatives are excellent ways to address these difficulties, but sales leaders and managers are stumped as to how to put one in place, especially as they often do not have the skills themselves to effectively coach others.

With Pearl Lemon Sales Sales Coaching Training, sales managers and executives learn how to help their sellers and professionals reach their full sales potential and make the most of each sales opportunity they encounter, while also working towards becoming a top-performing team their company can rely on to spur growth.

Why Salespeople Need a Sales Coach

Bill Gates famously said, during his TED talk, that everyone needs a coach, and it’s true. All high-achieving individuals, from CEO billionaires and contestants on The Voice to Hollywood celebrities and world-class athletes, have one thing in common: they have outstanding coaches.

Sales managers and reps also need excellent coaches. They’ll get the most benefit if their sales coach is a member of their own sales team, making their sales manager the ideal person. The benefits of having their sales coach and mentor on hand every day can’t be overstated. But the unfortunate fact is that most sales managers don’t have great coaching skills, because they’ve never been given the chance to learn them.

sales coaching program

What Does Sales Coaching Entail?

If you don’t know what sales coaching entails, it’s just another buzzword, so it makes sense on some levels that you may have never considered that your sales teams need a sales coach, and that your sales managers need to learn how to become that coach.

To help you better understand the concept, here’s a look at what the typical successful sales coaching process entails:

sales coaching training

Initial Expert Assessment

A sales assessment is the first step in the sales coaching process. A sales coach must gather, analyze, and understand the individual’s sales performance who need sales coaching. They look for any knowledge gaps in the person’s sales skills during the assessment and produce a list of the most essential modifications the subject can make to improve. They then create a tailored plan to increase the individual’s sales performance based on this information.

Communicate Expectations

A great sales coach must set expectations and share their findings from the evaluation in order for ongoing coaching sessions to truly make a difference. They’ll provide a study of an individual’s strengths and limitations, as well as new strategies to help those sales professionals develop.

Practice Makes Perfect

Effective sales coaches model behavior and utilize role-play exercises to recreate the interaction between the buyer and the sales rep to help build the necessary abilities. After this it’s time for the salesperson to apply the skills and behaviors they’ve learnt through coaching during sales calls and meetings.


Sales coaches observe the individual during sales calls and role-playing exercises, noting what went well, what went wrong, and where the sales representative could improve. They keep an eye on how much effort sales agents are putting in to fix problems and make substantial improvements.

sales coaching training
sales coaching program

Constructive Feedback

For sales coaching to be effective, the coach must provide constructive, honest, and precise feedback while maintaining relationships in the final step of the sales coaching cycle. To help an individual enhance their sales performance, coaching feedback should be positive, motivational, and timely. The goal of feedback, according to great sales coaches, is to increase the likelihood of winning business, not to expose flaws.

Questioning and intelligent inquiry, cooperation, and achieving buy-in are at the heart of sales coaching. As a result, the coachable sales representative must be able to evaluate their own performance and be open to feedback, constructive criticism, and acknowledgment.

Sales Managers Vs. Sales Coaches

Sales management and sales coaching are not the same thing, although, with the right sales coaching training, they can be performed by the same person. A sales coach is a trusted advisor who provides direction and perspective to help people achieve their goals. It’s all about looking ahead and developing people in the hope that they can improve themselves.

A sales manager is intent on meeting and exceeding sales targets. It’s often difficult for sales managers to grasp the importance of providing both training and coaching to their crew.

They may not know how to coach, especially if they are focused on the sales manager’s role or have not been taught to coach other salespeople — besides, management and coaching are two completely distinct skill sets.

This is why, if forced into the role, your top-performing sales executives may not be your finest coaches. If, however, they themselves receive the right sales coaching training they can become that combination of great sales manager and great sales coach your business needs to take your sales, and your sales teams, to the next level.

sales coaching
corporate sales training

Pearl Lemon Sales coaching training program shifts a sales manager’s role from that of an expert who directs to that of a coach who inspires. Sales managers get insight into their own biases, views, communication styles, and skill gaps that hinder their capacity to raise accountability and strengthen performance through our sales coaching training program.

Sales managers also learn to help team members self-discover methods to exploit strengths by using our professional, proven strategies and guidance. They learn to coach their teams to solve problems in order to grow and progress.

As a result, the company has a team of more self-reliant, and skilled salespeople who can fulfill business goals autonomously, as well as a culture that values feedback and encourages self-motivation. This course provides sales managers with the methods, skills, and resources they need to reinforce learning, change behavior, and boost results.

Ready to get started?

Ready to get started with sales coaching training for your sales managers?

Contact us today and let’s discuss how our bespoke, tailored to your needs programs are exactly what you need to take your sales team, and your company, to higher levels of performance and growth than you ever thought possible.

Sales Coaching Training FAQs

Sales coaching training programs are meant to alleviate any issues that sales teams face. Your team might fall behind on sales objectives, fail to reach enough clients, and/or suffer low morale in your work environment. A sales coaching training program aims to teach sales leaders how to identify what’s causing their team’s issues and work with every team member to take accountability and improve their work output. With the knowledge that you’ll pick up in sales coaching training, you’ll understand how to build confidence in your team and turn them into the best sales force they can be. 

Sales managers and executives will benefit the most from this type of training. This is because salespeople are more likely to respond to a coach if they feel like that person is on their team. They also are more likely to build a relationship with a coach that’s present with the team every business day. Sales managers might understand the goals that a team needs to reach to be great, but they might not get exactly how to push their team to reach those goals every day. Sales coaching training does just that, using the knowledge they’ve already gained as sales managers and transferring that into a motivating strategy for their team. 

Through Pearl Lemon’s sales coaching training, you’ll gain new strategies that will allow you to take your sales team to the next level of productivity. Like all our training programs, our sales coaching training is hands-on and bespoke, so we identify exactly what needs and struggles our trainees are facing. This will allow you to gain perspective on your shortcomings, leadership styles, and inherent biases affecting your sales team’s performance. Armed with that knowledge, you’ll receive the tools to correct those shortcomings and form an effective communication and guidance process with your staff. Through learning your shortcomings, you’ll also be able to identify the shortcomings that your staff may hold, keeping them accountable for their work and pushing them to do their best and hardest work every business day.