Cold Calling vs Email: Which One Is More Appropriate?

colding calling vs emailing

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Cold Calling vs Email: Which One Is More Appropriate?

Establishing fruitful first contact with a prospect is a delicate art for salespeople; you never get a second chance to make a first impression, so do all in your ability to ensure your outreach registers with potential clients.

The form of outreach used by salespeople for the initial connection substantially impacts response rates. Rather than determining whether to phone or email a new prospect based on personal taste, utilise the approach your prospect will respond to the most!

This article will show you everything you know about cold calling and email marketing. It will also help you choose which of the two is suitable for your negotiating targets!

What is Cold Calling?

Cold calling is the act of calling someone with the intent to sell them something. Cold callers are often employed in sales but can also be found in other industries such as telemarketing, debt collection and fundraising.

The cold caller will usually have a script or list of questions they will ask the person on the other end of the phone. The cold caller may also have a list of objections and rebuttals they can use when they are on the phone with someone not interested in what they are selling.

Cold calling is often seen as an aggressive way to do business, but it can be effective at getting people to buy into what you are selling.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a type of advertising that enables businesses to send messages, promotions and advertisements to customers via email. It is an effective marketing tool because it helps marketers build relationships with customers by sending them relevant, personalised messages. In addition, it is also a cost-effective way for businesses to reach out to many people in one go.

Email marketing campaigns can be triggered by customer actions like opening an email or clicking on a link inside the email. It can also be triggered by time or location, such as sending out offers on Black Friday or Cyber Monday. The most popular methods for triggering emails are based on time and location because they’re easy for the marketer to measure and track.

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Cold Calling vs Email Marketing: What’s The Difference?

Cold emails and cold calls are both successful prospecting methods in their way. The distinction between the two is one of loudness and convenience vs directness. Cold emails are often less complicated and time-consuming than cold calls, but cold calls are more successful in eliciting direct answers.

Let’s examine some fundamental distinctions between a cold call and a cold email.

  1. Cold calls have the potential to be more personal.
    A cold call has the potential to be more personable than a cold email. It can elicit a rapid response and allow you to deal with a prospect who says “no” immediately. Cold calls are also more dynamic than cold emails since they allow you to modify your plan as your chat with the prospect continues.
  2. Calling prospects unexpectedly might be intrusive.
    Cold calls are inherently invasive. People are frequently resistant to receiving them continuously, and many may become upset if you use one to reach out to them.
    Furthermore, if the call isn’t going well, you may become upset and impatient. They are also more costly and inefficient than sales emails. Moreover, your company’s image may suffer if you consistently bombard prospects with intrusive cold calls.
  3. Cold emails are less challenging to scale.
    Cold emails provide you with an alternative strategy to prospecting. They are more scalable since they are less expensive and more efficient.
    You could send numerous cold emails when it would take to make a single cold call. You may also include more aesthetically appealing and instructive information in a cold email, better conveying statistics and concepts that may be more difficult to explain over the phone.
  4. Cold emails are easy to send and trace.
    A cold email is also less invasive than a cold call, so prospects may respond more courteously even if they say “no.” This may not seem like much, but it may benefit morale in the long run. They may also be automated, monitored, and sent, making them more convenient to distribute and track.
  5. Prospects are more likely to dismiss emails.
    The significant danger of sending cold emails is that they will be disregarded. Every day, prospects may get dozens of cold emails. The competition is fierce and plentiful.
    Cold emails are frequently banned, go unread, or are simply deleted. In addition, there’s no knowing when an answer will arrive if one is powerful enough.
    When performing cold outreach, whether you contact a prospect by phone or email, all communication must be handled with caution. Make sure you thoroughly investigate new contacts to determine whether they’re a good fit for your offer and be cautious of any limitations they set.

How to Choose Between Emailing and Calling

Choosing between emailing and calling is a difficult task. It all depends on the situation, who you are contacting, and what you want to achieve.

Emailing is a good option when you want to save time or have a lot of information to share. Emails are easier to read than phone calls since they have fewer distractions. On the other hand, calling is a better option when you need to build rapport with someone or if you need an immediate response.


For years, the debate has been going on; which is better: Cold calling or emailing? Both have their pros and cons, depending on the person doing the job.

Emailing is a great way to get in touch with someone you cannot reach by phone. You can send an email, and if you don’t hear back from them, you can try again later. On the other hand, cold calling is when someone calls somebody they have never spoken with before in hopes of getting them interested in what they are selling or trying to sell them something.

It is tough to choose between emailing and phoning. It depends on the scenario, who you’re contacting, and your goals. However, if you choose wisely, you will be able to negotiate successfully.