Telemarketing Company Brighton

Cold Calling

Even with the rise of multi-channel marketing and other current lead generation strategies nowadays, telemarketing should not be ignored or dismissed as an antiquated part of the ‘old ways of doing business’.

The telemarketing that most people are familiar with is telemarketing from the past. A lot has changed, and this specific channel offers a host of advantages, especially in the hands – or is that mouths – of proven telemarketing professionals from proven telemarketing companies Brighton. Companies like Pearl Lemon Leads.

Why Telemarketing is Still Effective, and Powerful

People who argue that telemarketing isn’t effective don’t understand how it works.

Many things have changed, and telemarketing no longer relies on contacting a full list of numbers for no purpose.

It’s gotten a little more advanced since then.

The human connection that telemarketing provides is why it is still relevant today. Take, for example, e-mail.

Emails can be produced with messages that resonate effectively with their recipients through testing, but no matter how personalized or tweaked they are, they remain impersonal.

Telemarketing, on the other hand, entails a real person making contact with a potential customer in order to establish a human connection.

Any other marketing technique currently available to us cannot recreate this personal interaction. Even live chat can’t match the inflections, tone, and other aspects of a real discussion.

cold call
personal touch

Why Due Diligence Matters in 21st Century Telemarketing

One of the things that people say about telemarketing can be very true: People do not accept calls from strangers, nor do they welcome receiving calls for a general service that won’t offer them personal value.

That’s what we meant about telemarketing companies Brighton no longer simply calling their way through a huge list of names. Doing so is a waste of time for clients, for consumers and prospects, and for the telemarketers themselves.

This is why we work closely with our clients to ensure that we create calling data that is accurate and will mean that, as far as possible, we only contact those who would benefit from what your Brighton business has to offer.

Successful Telemarketing For Brighton Businesses Calls For Testing

There’s no assurance that a campaign that’s been approved will be effective enough to generate as many leads as it could, just as there’s no guarantee that social media material on social networking platforms will be effective enough to generate as many leads as it could.

There’s a lot of testing and, of course, monitoring involved in our telemarketing campaigns.

Even our most effective telemarketing campaigns are subjected to rigorous testing to ensure that they are successful in persuading prospects to take the next step in the sales funnel. It’s another thing that helps set us apart from other telemarketing companies Brighton.

A/B testing, which involves swapping out campaign mechanisms or material for better ones, gives a campaign additional flexibility. It also means that clients don’t have to waste money on ineffective marketing, and callers don’t waste time. As a leading telemarketing company Brighton, we make use of A/B testing all the time, which consistently results in better outcomes and impressive lead generation results.


Modern Telemarketing is Perfect for Multi-Channel Marketing

When most people think about telemarketing, they think of it as a one-off effort. Despite the fact that it may be conducted on its own, no lead generation marketer expects to see results from a single campaign. That isn’t how it works.

Multichannel marketing is the only way to go in this day and age because audiences are usually accessible through multiple platforms and are often best addressed in multiple ways.  Telemarketing has the advantage of being able to be simply added onto current campaigns as a touchpoint and not just as a stand-alone marketing or sales tactic.

For example, if a company started their first touchpoint with PPC ads for custom audiences to raise brand recognition, they can schedule calls to these prospects instead of email for the initial contact. It not only creates that human connection, but sets you apart as a brand that is really interested in what its target audience needs and what they have to say.

Similarly, after an initial batch of prospecting emails has been sent out, telemarketing can be used as a lead nurturing channel. To generate even more personalized marketing, it can be paired with sales discovery calls.

Telemarketing has begun to rely extensively on technology, with the majority of its processes utilizing technology to improve efficiency.

Agents who work in lead generation now have access to full calling systems that allow them to look up information on the individuals they’re speaking with, record notes, assign a lead score, integrate new data into a CRM, and access resources while on the phone.

Agents can quickly assess their performance by looking at a dashboard and seeing how near they are to meeting particular KPIs.

Multi-Channel Lead Generation

If you’re not sure how to conduct telemarketing on your own, many Brighton lead generation companies, such as Pearl Lemon Leads, provide appointment setting and telemarketing services.

This enables clients to receive customised, tailored-to-them telemarketing campaigns that they do not have to handle directly. They’re simply supplied a seemingly endless supply of leads that are ready to be closed.

One of the best things you can do for your marketing plan right now is to incorporate telemarketing into your lead generation tool set. If you don’t have the time or resources to set it up yourself, try hiring a telemarketing company like Pearl Lemon Leads.

Ready to get started?

Contact us today and let’s start the conversation about just how an effective telemarketing campaign will boost your Brighton business. 

Contact us. We’d love to hear from you!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, book a call!