Telephone sales teams have gained greater efficiencies because of advancements in technology and tools. These solutions allow you to reach out to more customers without the need for face-to-face meetings or travel. This model’s success cannot be based solely on volume though.
More client conversations will not move the needle unless your team receives telephone sales training that provides them with the skills and methods they need to add value to each interaction. Sales phone training from Pearl Lemon Sales will do just that, and much more.
Telemarketing is about more than just having outstanding people skills. There are techniques and strategies you can practice and adopt to increase your success as a telemarketer, as you’ve presumably discovered along the way. While you, as a sales manager, may already know these things, your team could almost certainly benefit from some telephone sales training to help them increase their sales and confidence.
But before we get into the details of Pearl Lemon Sales’ sales phone training, there are a few things you should discuss with your staff before criticizing their cold-calling behavior. What aims or ideals, for example, do you look forward to creating in your team? How do you want them to appear to potential customers? What kind of image do you want them to project for your business?
While not strictly sales phone training, these nuggets of information are essential for forming a cohesive, productive telemarketing team.
And for getting the most out of any telephone sales training you pay for, and ask them to undertake.
In fact, these things are so important to the success of any telephone sales training program that these are conversations that your training provider should be in on too. That’s because to really work, telephone sales training should be bespoke, customized to each client. It’s not something that many telephone sales training providers do, but it is something the best of them – and we include Pearl Lemon Sales in that category because it’s true – take the time to do.
Something else you’ll need to do before getting into the nuts and bolts of sales phone training is establishing real motivation for your sales team to even want to do what they do. Or are being asked to do.
One of the most significant characteristics of every good telephone salesperson is their desire to sell your company’s product. It’s all too tempting to rely on monetary incentives to keep your team motivated, but the truth is that money only goes so far. Employees want to be enthused about what they do, backed by possibilities for feedback and promotion, especially in today’s world. Continue to organize company outings and other social events, but keep in mind that rewards will only go you so far.
Your telephone sales training may fall on deaf ears if you don’t have motivation. If your marketers don’t believe in what they’re doing, they won’t care as much about their professional development, which means they won’t care as much about what you have to say. Make sure you not only hire people who are enthusiastic, but that you also create innovative ways to measure and increase their motivation throughout their careers.
One of the big roadblocks many businesses come up against is that they don’t know how to do any of this. At Pearl Lemon Sales our experts offer telephone sales training for sales managers that addresses these various issues and empowers managers to understand how to motivate their teams in just the right ways. So while the team is receiving their selling training, your sales managers can get the training that many never do, in actual day-to-day sales management skills.
As we mentioned, every telephone sales training program we offer at Pearl Lemon is bespoke, but there are some basic training elements we build into every course that helps make them so effective. Here’s a look at some of those, to help you better understand what’s on offer here and why it’s so different from those off the peg telephone sales training courses you might have been considering.
In business, customer service is everything. Contrary to popular belief, the customer is not always right. The customer, on the other hand, is always the customer. Your team must make sure that your customers feel included in the conversation. The modern customer does not want to be sold to, they want to make a decision for themselves.
On the other hand, abuse from prospects is one of the biggest reasons even great telemarketers quit, and the truth is they don’t, and shouldn’t, have to take it. As a part of our telephone sales training, we’ll teach your sales team how to create these engaging conversations but also how to let the prospect go gracefully when it becomes obvious the interaction is not going to be a positive one.
Telemarketing scripts don’t work. Even if they are technically excellent ones. We teach your telephone salespeople how to sell without a script, by conducting informed, engaging conversations rather than giving the canned sales pitches modern consumers hate.
Telephone salespeople encounter objections all the time. Giving up right away isn’t the answer. Often these objections aren’t really that at all. They are customer concerns being communicated for the sales person to address. In our telephone sales training sessions, your sales team will learn how to recognize these ‘cries for help’ from customers and how to guide the prospect to a sale they are comfortable with.
For any form of training to be effective, it has to be interesting and engaging. And it has to teach by example, while ‘students’ learn by doing. As a part of Pearl Lemon Sales’ telephone sales training programs, our trainers get on the phones with the students, and show them, not just tell them, how it’s done. And then they shadow students as they put their new skills into practice, acting as a guide and mentor that’s right by their side.
Pearl Lemon Sales’ training programs work because they are different. And we’ll be happy to show you why. Contact us today and we’ll discuss just how our bespoke sales phone training programs can help you.
Anyone who picks up a telephone for your company. Telephone sales training is a more specialised form of training, so it’s likely that salespeople will get the most use out of it. However, telephone sales training can teach many employees skills that they otherwise wouldn’t learn from their job training when it comes time to contact another client or even a co-worker. We’ve found that telephone sales training has helped countless workers in the corporate world with managing telephone conversations better, communicating points more clearly over the phone, and becoming more comfortable with the impersonal medium of telephone communication.
By the end of our telephone sales training course, you will be able to…
We’ll meet with your company leaders and determine what your needs are when it comes to telephone sales training. Once that’s completed, we’ll design a hands-on training course for your company that uses real-world scenarios taught by industry experts to get the most out of your employees, bringing their confidence and sales skills through the roof. Sales training doesn’t end there, though. Once the course is over, we always teach our trainees to practice, practice, practice the skills we’ve taught, so they can better themselves and be prepared for any sales scenario that comes their way.
If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, book a call!
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Pearl Lemon Sales
International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2BN, United Kingdom
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UK: +442071833436
UK: +447454539583
US: +16502784421
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Very passionate team that is very easy to work with, that deliver results beyond your expectations. – Avon Christine
We’re an awesome bunch of Sales Training experts! Hire Us! The team @ Pearl Lemon Sales.