In today’s challenging times, more and more businesses are turning to their cold calling sales teams to earn much-needed revenue. At Pearl Lemon Sales, we offer comprehensive cold calling training courses designed to equip your sales team with the skills and strategies needed to excel in cold calling. Looking for a top-notch cold calling course? Look no further than Pearl Lemon Sales, where we’re dedicated to empowering your team for success in cold calling.
We use tried and true, proven strategies gained over many years of working in various telemarketing and cold sales functions to boost the revenue and profit of clients with whom we have worked. We can teach your team how to do the same.
If you want to get ahead or stay ahead of your competition, your cold sales teams must be able to use successful telephone selling strategies that match the way 21st century consumers buy and the way they respond to sales pitches. Selling over the phone differs vastly from selling in person, and to be effective, your cold sales team will need to be well-versed in the unique skills and strategies that separate a great cold sales strategy from the dozens that fail every day.
Cold calling has been around for decades. And in this age of the Internet, its demise has been predicted for years as well. Why would people make cold calls when they can send a cold email, or perhaps even a cold connection request via a business social media site like Linkedin?
This assumption that there is no place for a cold calling service in the 21st century overlooks one thing however, and it’s a very important thing. Sure, there are other, more ‘cutting edge’ ways to source leads. But finding potential customers and actually making a connection and closing a sale are two very different things.
A successful connection can still only be accomplished through direct contact and the establishment of the kind of trust and personal connection that will allow a prospect to be comfortable enough to agree to a sale. And even though social media is easy and email is fast, a phone call is still the best way to make those personal connections. But that’s not all. The following are more good reasons cold calling still works and why it should be part of every business’ overall sales strategy.
How much spam email hits your inbox every day? A lot right? Spam levels are higher than ever, so spam filters are tougher than ever, and many a well-intentioned cold email is now ending up caught by one of them. How many ads do you see on social media? Possibly enough that you have had Adblock installed in your browser for years, if you are like an increasing number of busy folks all over the world.
The Internet ‘noise’ has become so loud that people are beginning to make conscious efforts to block it out. So that LinkedIn ad campaign you were thinking of investing in? Most ad blockers can even block those, so it may go unseen. A phone call cuts through all of that noise, and offers marketers a way to make a personal connection right away.
When you send a cold email or a Linkedin connection request, you will wait hours or days for even a first response. If you get one at all. It will be days – at least, more often weeks before you know if paid advertising online has had any impact at all.
With a phone call, you will almost always get a direct and immediate response right when you call. You’ll know right away if your effort was worth the time, or if your message was in point for this prospect or if you should channel your energies in a different direction.
Yes, most cold callers do create a script, or at least follow guidelines about what they should and should not be saying about the services you offer or the products you are selling. However, a good cold calling sales professional knows how and when to deviate from that script and take the conversation in a direction that is ‘personalized’ for the prospect they are speaking with. You can’t do that with an online ad, and although you can with an email, to a certain extent at least, it’s a much longer process, and you can’t change things on the fly in the same way as you can during a phone conversation.
Speaking one on one with another person immediately creates an immediate and personal connection. And as we mentioned earlier, that is one of the best ways to build trust and make a sale.
The best cold callers take this a step further though. They do a little research on the prospects that they are calling and already have ideas in mind to tap into common ground once the conversation begins. And this even comes along with another benefit; it adds to the credibility of the caller, helping differentiate them from a spam caller that many people are likely to hang up on.
Yes, most cold callers do create a script, or at least follow guidelines about what they should and should not be saying about the services you offer or the products you are selling. However, a good cold calling sales professional knows how and when to deviate from that script and take the conversation in a direction that is ‘personalized’ for the prospect they are speaking with. You can’t do that with an online ad, and although you can with an email, to a certain extent at least, it’s a much longer process, and you can’t change things on the fly in the same way as you can during a phone conversation.
Most cold calling sales training programs are one size fits all, generalized offerings that don’t take the differences between every business into account. Or the differences in salesperson personality or selling style. This means they can never be as effective as a bespoke cold calling sales training program that has been developed especially for each individual client.
Every sales training program we offer – including our cold calling sales training – is developed especially for each client we work with. We take the time to listen to your needs, your pain points and your major concerns about your unique sales staff and adjust our core cold calling sales training to take it all into account.
Combine this attention to detail with sales trainers who have reputations for being some of the best cold callers in the business themselves, and you have a recipe for surefire cold calling sales training success that other firms just can’t beat. Contact us today to learn more about how our cold calling sales training can help your sales team and your business’ bottom line!
Cold calling is a tough skill to pick up on your own. Customers often have adverse reactions to calls that are only there to sell something to them. Even once you’ve overcome that hurdle, it can still be difficult to make your cold calling sound organic and natural. Pearl Lemon’s experienced cold calling sales training team has hit these exact speed bumps and knows what your employees are going through with these obstacles staring them in the face. Our sales training team will design a hands-on course that works to fulfil your sales team’s unique needs and correct the errors or misconceptions that your team is latching onto.
Our sales training boasts a number of benefits for your cold calling sales team, including:
With our cold calling sales training, you’ll gain, of course, a number of sales and communication skills that’ll benefit your professional life. However, our sales training also develops the “soft skills” of interpersonal communication that’ll serve you through every part of your personal and professional life, including self-confidence, conflict resolution, quick problem-solving, and networking. That’s why Pearl Lemon believes that cold calling sales training is a valuable course of action for anyone in the corporate world.
Company Address
Pearl Lemon Sales
International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2BN, United Kingdom
Contact Details
UK: +442071833436
UK: +447454539583
US: +16502784421
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Very passionate team that is very easy to work with, that deliver results beyond your expectations. – Avon Christine
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