How to Write a Sales Letter that Gets Results


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Source: Marketing Donut

A sales letter is a marketing tool that consists of a short letter used to sell a product or service. It is designed to get readers’ attention and convince them to purchase the product or service.

An effective way to reach consumers is by writing a sales letter. Certain elements are required in sales letters that help convince a customer to buy a product or service. To invite readers to learn more, their tone should be personal and informal.

This article describes what a sales letter is, how to write one, and how to make it effective!

What Is A Sales Letter?

When companies engage interested customers using sales representatives, this is known as inbound marketing. Customers’ desire is the focal point of inbound marketing. In a sense, they act as a trusted mentor, guiding them through the buying journey by adapting their methods to meet the buyer’s needs.

As every client and product they would like to buy is different, every inbound sale is different. Every purchase is a unique sales journey, as potential buyers will have different questions and different levels of interest. When identifying the journey a customer takes, an inbound sales process can offer support to the customer at every step.

How To Write A Sales Letter That Gets Results

Buying a product requires a compelling reason. An effective sales letter explains that reason and supports it with examples and data. A business should do this to convince a reader to consider its product or service.

To maximize your chances of making sales, you need to include these parts in your sales letter.

  1. Use an attention-grabbing headline.
    In one sentence, explain to potential customers what they need. This may be their only impression.
  2. Make sure they know why they need what you are offering.
    Sales prospects can be connected to your product when you cater to their unspoken needs. You’ll gain your potential customers’ attention if you explain how this product or service can benefit them.
  3. State key information in bullet points.
    If you bullet your points, readers can see what you want to emphasize. Include this list in your headlines and hooks.
  4. Present statistics or testimonials.
    Bullet points should include testimonials and statistics so readers can quickly scan your content and see valuable information that will help you sell your product.
  5. Ask readers to take action.
    To act on your offer, you must motivate readers to move beyond the page. Your letter will help them take action. Use direct links or action buttons in emails. Draw attention to the call to action with graphics and fonts in printed marketing.
  6. Ensure the customer gets something they can’t get elsewhere.
    Introducing a timeline for a deal can help a potential customer feel more urgent or make the need for a deal feel greater. The offer’s availability can also be limited by using this technique. It is more motivating to give the consumer a deadline to take action when presenting this sales pitch.
  7. You can include a personal address or guarantee with a postscript (p.s.).
    Postscripts are a great way to add personalization to your letter and give it a personal touch. Additionally, it is another way to emphasize your offer in an easily scannable way.

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Making An Effective Sales Letter

Take these suggestions into account when writing your sales letter.

  • Don’t use formal language. Short sentences and short paragraphs will make you sound more human. Your message will be more relatable and less sales-oriented when you use a natural tone.
  • Always think of your customers.
    Think about what you want to hear as a customer. You need to answer this question: “What can I gain from this?”.
  • Make sure your content is organized. The idea flow should be linear. Your letter should include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
  • Add interesting graphics.
    Apart from the written content, graphics are essential to your letter. They should work together. Stay on-trend with current design elements.


Making an effective sales letter is beneficial to getting favorable results. It’s not easy to come up with a powerful letter that will sell products in this age of digital marketing, but there are strategies you can use to make your own sales letters more powerful. Make sure to follow them because your sales depend on how you relate to your target market!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a sales letter differ from an email?

An email is a form of communication where the sender and receiver are in direct contact. The sender sends an email to a receiver’s email address, who then responds. An email can be sent from one person to many people at once or from one person to only one other person.

A sales letter is a form of communication that uses words and images to persuade the reader to buy a product or service. It’s usually shorter than an email and can contain more than two parts: introduction, body, and conclusion.

What makes a successful sales letter?

A successful sales letter is one that not only generates leads but also converts them into customers. It makes the reader want to take action. In this section, we’ll talk about what makes a successful sales letter. We’ll also discuss how to create a great lead magnet with the help of a sales letter template.

How long should your sales letter be?

The length of this letter depends on how long it would take for you to sell your product or service in your local market. If you want your sales letter to be short and sweet, then it should be less than one page with bullet points. You can also include visuals to make it more engaging.

How can you customize your letter to best suit your audience?

To customize your letter, you should think about what your audience wants and how they want it. You should also think about who you are writing the letter for and their needs, as well as what kind of relationship you have with them.