What Does Cold Calling Mean

calling salesman

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An unsolicited call from a sales representative is called cold calling. Among the oldest and most common marketing methods for salespeople, cold calling is a form of telemarketing.

In contrast, warm calling is when a company reaches out to a customer who expressed interest in an earlier call.

A man is talking with someone online


The Process of Cold Calling

Salespeople who use cold calling approach people who have not expressed interest in the products or services they are offering. Typically, cold calling involves telemarketing or telephone solicitations, but it can also include in-person visits, such as those conducted by door-to-door sales representatives.

Prospective salespeople should be persistent and understand that rejection is a part of the process. Researching the demographics and the market of their prospects will assist them in preparing adequately. Therefore, cold-calling-heavy professions typically undergo high attrition.

What Makes Cold Calling Difficult

Consumers respond differently to cold calls, such as accepting, terminating or hanging up, and even verbally attacking the caller. The 2020 LinkedIn report found that around 69% of prospects accepted a call from a new salesperson during the previous year, and 82% were willing to meet with the salesperson. A seller must dial 18 times on average to connect with a buyer, but success rates are correlated with persistence. In contrast, most sellers give up after four calls, never getting to a “yes.” A report on LinkedIn cited a survey conducted by Rain Group of buyers in 2019. Warm call salespeople, on the other hand, are likely to have a higher success rate.

It has become less desirable to make cold calls as technology advances. In addition to email, texts, and social media marketing, new, more effective prospecting methods exist, including Facebook and Twitter. In comparison with cold calling, these methods often generate more leads more effectively and efficiently. 

A method of cold calling known as Robo-dialing (robocalling) involves algorithms that automatically call and play prerecorded messages. As a result of government regulations, such as the National Do Not Call Registry, cold callers have had difficulty reaching potential clients en masse.

A man is looking at his phone

Cases of cold calling

Cold calling is common practice in the finance industry. Imagine a room of stockbrokers, crammed into a tight cubicle, attempting to pitch them obscure stocks by calling names from a paper list. It’s a numbers game in the movie. Almost as many brokers are rejected as they are accepted. Cold calling is rarely the method used by successful brokers.

Door-to-door operations are a hallmark of some brands. Mostly college students canvass residential neighbourhoods for Southwest Advantage, an educational book publisher. A neighbouring company, Kirby Company, sells high-end vacuum cleaners door-to-door to homeowners.

To Call and Not to Call

From the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission, the National Do Not Call Registry was created in 2003. The opt-out period for cold calling was five years. Eight years after registering, they simply re-registered. By 2010, there were more than 200 million registered telephone numbers, and by the end of the fiscal year 2021, there were 244.3 million active telephone numbers. The Do Not Call Registry has been upheld as legal by the courts after numerous lawsuits filed by the telemarketing industry. This makes cold calling very challenging.

A household registry does not apply to businesses; it only applies to households. For these reasons, financial professionals may still contact businesses cold. Businesses have the potential to reap much higher rewards. While it can be difficult to reach decision-makers at companies, you may find it worthwhile to go after 401(k) plans or highly-paid executives.

It is absurd to try to pitch a product over the phone today. Relationships are everything. Free advice is sometimes given based on specific questions asked by advisors. An employer may be concerned about an employee retirement plan that charges high fees. In addition to suggesting companies, the advisor may offer to do some research on them and contact them. Some advisors have had success with this soft-sell approach, particularly those early in their careers.

Conclusion: How can cold calling help your business

A group of people hand shaking

There are many reasons why cold calling is so popular. One of them is that it works!

Cold calling can be a great way to get your business noticed by potential clients, but it can also be a difficult thing to do. However, with the right preparation and mindset, cold-calling can help your business grow. A lot of people are hesitant to answer cold calls because they don’t know who is on the other end of the line or why they’re calling. But if you manage to get through and have a conversation with them, you may have just increased your customer base by one more person.

Here are some tips to help you when it comes to cold calling.

-Get your business listed on online directories like Yellow Book and Google Business. Include your contact number, a description of what you’re offering, and any other information that might help potential clients figure out who you are and why they should call you.

-When it comes to introducing yourself during the conversation, be straightforward and honest. For example, if you’re a plumber offering plumbing services in town and you’re calling someone who doesn’t have a plumbing problem, it might be best to skip the call. But if you’re offering to clean their septic system or install a new one, then go for it!

-You can also customise your approach according to the type of business you offer. For example, if you’re a marketing company that does website design for small businesses, the chances are that the people on the other end of the line have never heard of your company before and are in need of some basic information.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an example of cold calling?

Cold calling is the act of contacting a potential customer with the aim of persuading them to buy a product or service.

It is an example of a sales technique that relies on persistence, conviction and confidence to sell. It can be used for both B2B and B2C purposes.

What are cold calls and warm calls?

A cold call is a call made by a salesperson to a potential customer, typically one who has not been in contact with the company before.

A warm call is a call initiated by the customer as opposed to the salesperson.

In cold calls, the caller asks if they can speak to the person in charge of purchasing decisions. They may ask for an appointment or try to sell their products or services on the spot. In warm calls, they are usually invited and are given more time to talk about their product or service before being asked for an appointment or asked to make any commitments.

How many hours a day should I cold call?

Cold calling is the act of making phone calls to potential customers and asking them to buy a product or service they offer.

The number of hours a day you should spend cold calling depends on the type of product or service that you are selling. If your product is expensive, like a car, for example, then you should spend more time cold calling. If your products are inexpensive, like a pizza, for example, then you can spend less time cold calling because it will be easier to sell them and make money from them.